Partnership Southwark


IHL and the South Southwark PCN have formed a partnership of NHS, council and community organisations working to improve health in Southwark.

Partnership Southwark logo

People in Southwark tell us they want health and care services to be more person-centred and joined-up, and easier to access close to home. We agree. Too often people experience services that are complex and fragmented, leading to poorer health and wellbeing outcomes.

Since 2019, Partnership Southwark has been working to better join up services and support, tackle the causes of inequality, and improve the health and wellbeing of Southwark residents. We are a Local Care Partnership within the overall South East London Integrated Care System, working with other health, care and non-statutory organisations and local communities to bring together services and support at a neighbourhood level so that they do a better job of keeping people healthy and meeting their needs. This is often called "integrated community-based care".

We focus on the groups most affected by long-standing health, social and racial inequalities. Our work is informed by engaging the community in Southwark to understand their needs, develop services and support that work for them, and empowering people to look after their own wellbeing and live longer, healthier lives, by focusing on prevention and self-management. We want Southwark to be a borough where everyone can contribute to the overarching outcomes that we are seeking to achieve for the benefit of all communities, and no one group or community is left behind.

Welcome video – our Health and Care Plan priorities explained 

As we move into 2024, Southwark Partnership co-chairs Cllr Evelyn Akoto and Dr Nancy Küchemann, along with colleagues from the partnership talk through our priorities in the Health and Care plan.

Our vision

Our vision is to enable every part of the health and care system in Southwark to make the borough an amazing place to be born, live a full healthy life, and spend one’s final years.

With demand for health and care services continuing to rise, organisations must work together in a better, more consistent way to best support local people, meeting their needs and addressing the gaps and disconnects they experience.

To illustrate what we want to achieve we have developed an interactive case study and animation about Tyrone, a fictional young person in Southwark, whose family could best be supported through more joined up care and support with the help of a key worker:

Learn more